Search results
How students use
When customers search on, your profile will appear in our search results. Where you appear, whether low or high, is called search ranking. Search results may change based on what the customer is searching for, where they are searching from, and if they have any filters applied.
Getting leads
Customers scroll through the list of pros and decided if they are interested in working with you. When a customer decides to contact you, it's called a direct lead.
As soon as you get a lead sent to you via email or text message, it’s time to respond. Customers love pros who respond quickly, and it also boosts your search ranking.
What determines my rank?
The secret to appearing high in search results in making your profile stand out from the crowd. You can do that by focusing on these four things:
- Profile
- Pricing
- Reviews
- Response Time
1. Profile
Your profile is like a resume for your business and makes a huge impact on your success. Your profile is the first thing a customer sees and encourages them to take the next step.
Pros who have completed their profile in full show up higher in search results. Be sure you fill out every section, add high-quality photos and be sure to add everything a potential customer might need.
Read more about your profile.
2. Pricing
Customers want to know right away what your prices are. This helps them decide quickly if you are a good match for them. We know it can be challenging adding prices for some services you offer, but the benefits of adding upfront prices are well worth it.
Here's why you should add prices:
- You'll avoid customers who are window shopping or in the planning stage and reach out just to ask you how much you charge.
- The customers you hear from know your costs upfront and there are no surprises. Customers usually have a specific budget and this makes sure the right customers find you.
- When you add your prices you'll naturally appear higher in our search results because this is what customers want to see. Be sure to share realistic prices that reflect your regular rates to get the most interest from new customers.
Learn how to set prices.
3. Reviews
Reviews are one of the most important things your profile can have. It shows off real-world experiences other customers had with your business. In many instances, we have seen positive reviews double the number of views a profile gets. The number of reviews is important but also what the customer has to say and how high of a rating they gave you.
The key is getting lots of reviews from happy customers to appear high in search results. Be sure to ask customers for reviews after they’ve seen your work in action. At that point, they will have more positive things to say.
There are a few ways to get more reviews on your profile. Learn more about reviews.
4. Response Time
Timing is critical. Especially when customers reach out to multiple pros. The key is to respond to new leads and messages as quickly as possible. The faster you can respond back to customers the more likely you are to win the job.
A quick response is so important that we now use it as a factor in our search rankings. The faster you respond, the higher up you appear in search results. Faster response = more leads = more hires.
Read more about responding quickly to customers.
Not getting enough leads? Look for more jobs on your opportunities page.